Housing Element butterfly

Latest newsThe most recent version of the draft is the January 16, 2024 Revised Submitted Draft Housing Element (RSDHE), available online: 1/16/24 RSDHE

OVERVIEWWelcome to the Housing Element, a pivotal opportunity every decade to shape the future of housing in our community! 

Since 1969, Housing Elements have been integral chapters of local General Plans in California. These elements analyze a community’s housing needs across income levels and devise strategies to address them. Updates are mandated every eight years. The 5th Cycle Housing Element spanned the planning period of 2015-2023. Now, we embark on the 6th Cycle Housing Element update, covering 2023-2031. 

Our updated Housing Element is crucial in planning for the types and quantity of homes needed by 2031, as defined by RHNA (Regional Housing Needs Allocation). In October of 2022, the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG) finalized the 6th Cycle RHNA plan for 2023-2031, allocating 1,125 additional housing units in Pacific Grove. Although the City of Pacific Grove doesn't construct these homes, we ensure that our plans, policies, and programs are updated to facilitate the construction of the mandated units.

This updated Housing Element comprises goals, policies, programs, and objectives to facilitate housing growth in Pacific Grove, aligning with our RHNA and associated state and federal housing requirements. For further insights, check out this informational video: Housing Element Explainer 2022 (wistia.com).

Building a more affordable future is a collaborative endeavor. We invite you to delve into "Why Affordability Matters" in the City's Welcome Home Strategy, completed in 2021 as well as the City's Council Goals for more information and history on PG's affordable housing goals. 

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Program EIR
HCD Comment Letter, RSDHE, and Related Materials
Public Hearings and Initial Drafts (SDHE and DHE)
Monthly City Council Progress Reports
Other Public Meetings
Past Housing Element Advisory Committee Meetings & Public Housing Element Workshops
Housing Needs Survey
Balancing Act Tool
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The Housing Division of the City of Pacific Grove is dedicated to fostering an inclusive, sustainable, and thriving community by administering programs that enhance, preserve, and expand access to safe, affordable housing for all residents, free of discrimination and undue barriers.

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