Code Compliance butterfly

The Code Compliance Program of the City of Pacific Grove is dedicated to ensure that all residents, businesses and visitors are able to live, work and enjoy in the natural beauty of Pacific Grove through adherence to the Pacific Grove Municipal Code and the International Property Maintenance Code.

The goal of the Code Compliance Program is to protect and preserve the public peace, health and safety, and quality of life for Pacific Grove residents through education, assistance, and fair and consistent enforcement of the municipal code. 

The program receives complaints from concerned citizens via phone, email or written statement. Staff investigates all reported complaints and works with property owners to achieve compliance. The Program follows a standard process in all investigations.

The Code Compliance program does not resolve neighbor disputes or landlord and tenant conflicts. Tenants with questions regarding a rental unit should check the Resources for Renters page.

Anyone who believes they are subjected to discrimination in housing may file an online complaint with the Department of Housing and Urban Development. More information is available on the Fair Housing page.

Abandoned/Vacant Foreclosed Property Registration Form: use to register vacant property

Short Term Rental Program information

The code Compliance Officer is available for neighborhood and business associations, residents and tenants concerns. The Officer also assists with the understanding of City codes and issues related to quality of life, zoning, and building. Contact the Compliance Officer for more information. 

Submit A Complaint

The following information is available for public education:

stay informed

white butterfly