20-21 Inclement Weather Program butterfly

Published: Jan 11, 2021

The Monterey County Department of Social Services administers an inclement weather voucher program each year from November 1st through March 31st.   Motel vouchers are provided to certain nonprofit organizations to use for homeless individuals or families as needed.  Please note that restrictions apply.  Those restrictions are as follows:

  1. Vouchers to be used when the temperature is 45 degrees or below with a prediction of rain with the following exception:
  2. Participating agencies can issue motel vouchers for an extended period if it rains more than three consecutive days with temperatures of 45 degrees and below within the rain period.
  3. Vouchers will be issued only to the motels listed on the Approved Vendor listing.
  4. Vouchers will only be issued for single men as a last resort if shelters are at full capacity.
  5. Vouchers will only be issued for single women, single women with children, and families if homeless services agencies are at capacity, no other option exists, and weather parameters must be met.
  6. Rain must be present or forecasted for the day voucher will be used, and
  7. No emergency shelter beds are available.

FY 20-21 Emergency/Day Shelter Listing

Currently, the participating nonprofit organizations are:

Monterey County is still looking for agencies to participate. If your agency would be interested, please contact:

Glorietta Rowland, Management Analyst
DSS/Community Action Partnership
(831) 796-3584

stay informed

white butterfly