Resources & Definitions butterfly

Visit the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District for information on rebates available to Pacific Grove residents.


STORMWATER TERMINOLOGYTo fully understand the watershed concept and the principals behind Stormwater management, there is some terminology you should be familiar with:

  • Black Water/Sewer Water: waste water from toilets or urinals. 
  • Downspout: a pipe that carries rainwater from a roof to a drain or to the ground 
  • Graywater: water from bathroom sinks, bath tub shower drains, and clothes washing equipment drains. 
  • Gutter: a shallow trough at the perimeter of a structure that collects rainwater 
  • Hardscape: a built structures or surfaces made with hard materials covering the natural surface (concrete, pavers, asphalt, brick, walls, wood decks, )
  • Impervious Surface: a surface that does not allow water to percolate through; eliminating rainwater infiltration and natural groundwater recharge.
  • Pervious Surface/Porous Surface: a surface that allows water to percolate through
  • Potable Water: drinking water safe to be consumed by humans (Clean water act 1972 EPA).
  • Recycled Water: reusing treated wastewater for agriculture and landscape irrigation, industrial processes, toilet flushing, and ground water replenishing.
  • Roof Area: area of roof of a structure
  • Runoff: water that flows over the surface of the lands when rainfall is not able to infiltrate into the soil
  • Stormwater: generated when precipitation from rain events flow over land or impervious surfaces and does not percolate into the ground.
  • Storm Drain/Storm Sewer: collects excess water from the surface and drains it to underground collection pipes 
  • Storm Drain Outfall: discharge point of the storm drain system
General Stormwater Management Tools
Roof Downspout Redirection
Creating Rain Gardens
Rainwater Harvesting
Impervious Surface Replacement with Pervious Surface
New Tree Planting
Gull Rooftop Deterrents

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white butterfly